About Us

We Are Registered Under Trust Act Rules Registered on 30/December/2013. Registration no: is 285/2013

Welcome to Surabhi educational and social development Trust, Our Motto of the Surabhi Educational and Social Development Trust has been established to serve individual development and social renewal by providing a forum for training, research programs for the rural and urban ladies. Out Trust is for supporting the poor and serve Education. The Surabhi Educational and Social Development Trust became operational in December 2012 and serves as a funnel for funding projects, overseeing the governance of projects and monitoring the impact of projects in the broader community. The Trust is a not-for-profit entity for community projects. It is managed by a board of three trustees and 18 executive members consisting of internal and external stakeholders and an observer from each SESDT campus. An established and highly recognized internal and external auditing system exists, within which ring fencing of funding for projects is routinely conducted. Except for an administration fee, all funds are channeled to projects and the community.

Trust Objective

“Education is the vow of God”

Thiruvalluvar places strong emphasis on learning for everyone. To start with he considers learning as the truly imperishable and flawless treasure to a man and no other wealth is comparable to learning

Education is the greatest weapon for the people, but it is governed by corruption, in order to improve a country, all the people of that country must be educated, but in many circumstances, they are not able to achieve it. The lofty goal of our foundation is to make it available to everyone for free.

Education is a ray of light in the darkness. Without education, man is like one who is confined to closed room with no place to exit or entry and completely shut from the outside world. Our India is a young country. About 65% of the population is under 35 years of age. The condition of today’s youth is ghastly. The right guidance for them to succeed in the training endeavor is placement training. Conducting the camps, Job placement workshops and awareness camps to serve the social development of the youth is the primary purpose of our foundation.

Purity India is the healthy India that Mahatma Gandhi is dreamed of our main objective is to improving environmental cleanliness, raise the awareness about the importance of preserving water level such as rivers and lakes, conservation of using toilets, cleaning and maintaining hygiene, Elimination of use of outdoor toilets.

What resources are not available in our country? Why we ask to foreign country? Our country is full of natural resources, human resources especially mineral resources. The healthy activities of our goal is the conservation of existing natural resources, protecting, restoring and enhancing India’s diminishing forest and resisting the use of plastic products that cause global warming.

A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform. Women’s advancement is not only the advancement of woman but also the advancement of home, society, country and world. Our lofty activities for women’s advancement is conducting free women’s employment training centers and village awareness camps, formation of self-help groups and the fight for women’s rights and protection, raising awareness on combating child sex crimes and prevention of sexual offenses.

Our grand goal is to conduct a campaign and awareness camp explaining the harms caused by consumption of drugs. The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. Social charity is the charity that heals the nation. The sublime goal of our foundation is to succor and support the victims of natural disasters.

Our grand goal is to conduct a campaign and awareness camp explaining the harms caused by consumption of drugs. The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. Social charity is the charity that heals the nation. The sublime goal of our foundation is to succor and support the victims of natural disasters.