

Project SESDT set out to create a model whereby quality education support in underprivileged areas could be spearheaded by the community even if most members are illiterate. The idea was to empower the community to pool its resources and run a sound support program for its children… Project SESDT seeks funds to sustain its activities as well as expand services.

Your support to Project SESDT will help families grow out of slums into mainstream society. Open your Hearts and Donate!

Purpose / Goals

Project SESDT was conceived to answer a series of questions: SESDT do children from underprivileged backgrounds perform poorly? What could be done to enhance their performance? What skills should be taught to them to better their employment options? How could this be achieved in a replicable community driven model?


  • Provide after school educational support to children from disadvantaged sections of society.
  • Provide environment support (care for entire day) for environmental save through awareness from these communities.
  • Provide exposure to various vocational skills to ladies and provide training opportunities in areas of interest for Tailoring.
  • Point to overall healthcare support options and provide primary health & hygiene awareness to these children to prevent ailments.

Organization Description

Project SESDT started with 18 executive members and three board of trustees founded in 1998. Today, it reaches out to over 4000 members and runs an early education program, primary and secondary after school support, a day care and life skills program for 20 children as well as a Tailoring center in 8 different locations. The ladies from Project SESDT have 100% pass rate through training and many of them have gone into own business for their development. Our SESDT trainers guided in other vocational skills by Project SESDT coordinators now earn sufficient to move their families out of slums. The organization also has contained dropout rates completely to 0% dropout from Project SESDT kids.

Project SESDT was started by Selvaraj, , who is the father of an S/O Sinapallam Social worker- He has started working from the youth stages and run over and spend a lot of time through conducting awarenss programs and stage Speaking programs to serve the people, infused years of his time along with significant portion of her inheritance into sustaining the project. His son named Kumar has dedicated herself to serving at Project SESDT full time. Project SESDT now employs 10+ people from the community as teachers and employs transportation services from people in the community, spending almost all the funds in the community.

Project SESDT has expansion plans that include adding more classrooms, providing expanded healthcare as well as providing vocational training. Project SESDT also plans to provide exposure and training for life skills to special needs kids (physically and mentally challenged) to enable them to sustain themselves. Project SESDT is supported in part by Enfances Indiennes, a charity registered in India.

Project Type:Tailoring Training Centers (description)
Primary Focus:ladies from rural area(description)
Secondary Focus:Environment saving
Other Focus:Training programs for ladies to develop on their own
Student/Teacher Ratio:20 : 1